Order Picking


The picking of your warehouse

Efficiency and precision are central elements in warehouse logistics, especially when picking. By specifically selecting and compiling items for customer orders, companies can optimize their processes and increase customer satisfaction. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about warehouse picking and how you can improve these processes with professional services.

Warehouse workers remove items from shelves for picking.

What does picking mean?

Picking is the process of removing items from a warehouse to assemble them for shipping to customers. This process is an essential part of warehouse logistics and directly affects the efficiency and accuracy of warehouse operations. Different methods and techniques are used to optimize the process and adapt it to the specific requirements of the warehouse.

The three picking methods in comparison

  • Manual picking: With this method, employees manually access the inventory and put the items together. This method is flexible, but prone to errors and time consuming.
  • Automated picking: Machines and robots are used to automate the picking process. This method is faster and reduces errors, but requires a large initial investment.
  • Hybrid picking: This method combines manual and automated processes to take advantage of the benefits of both approaches. It offers a good balance between flexibility and efficiency.

The importance of picking in warehouse logistics

Order picking is crucial for the efficiency and accuracy of warehouse logistics. A well-organized picking process reduces lead times, minimizes errors and improves customer satisfaction. In addition, optimized picking strategies can reduce operating costs, which has a positive effect on a company’s competitiveness.

How does picking work in the warehouse?

The picking process in the warehouse includes several steps:

  • Order acceptance: Orders are recorded in the system and released for processing.
  • Order distribution: Picking orders are forwarded to employees or automated systems.
  • Item withdrawal: The items are withdrawn from inventory according to the order requirements.
  • Packaging: The picked items are packed and prepared for shipping.
  • Shipping: The packaged orders are sent for delivery to customers.

What do you have to consider when picking from warehouse?

There are several factors to consider when picking in the warehouse to ensure efficiency and accuracy:

Area for packing and shipping picked items in a warehouse

  • Warehouse layout: A well-thought-out warehouse structure minimizes travel times and makes item removal easier.
  • Use of technology: The use of modern technologies such as barcode scanners and warehouse management systems improves accuracy and efficiency.
  • Training: Well-trained staff is crucial for an error-free and efficient picking process.
  • Quality control: Regular checks ensure that errors are quickly identified and corrected.

Time management when picking

Effective time management is an essential factor in order picking. By optimizing work processes and minimizing travel times, throughput times can be significantly shortened. Techniques such as batch picking, where multiple orders are processed at the same time, also help increase efficiency.

Strategies to improve order picking

There are various strategies to improve the picking process:

  • Zoning: Division of the warehouse into zones to assign specific areas for certain items and reduce travel times.
  • ABC analysis: Classify items according to their turnover rate to store frequently used items in easily accessible areas.
  • Pick-by-light and pick-by-voice: Techniques that support employees with visual or acoustic signals during picking and increase accuracy.

Tailor-made picking solutions for your needs

Each warehouse has specific requirements that require tailored picking solutions. By analyzing individual needs and implementing appropriate strategies and technologies, efficiency can be significantly increased. Services that are tailored to the specific requirements of a warehouse offer maximum flexibility and efficiency.

Use of modern warehouse management systems to optimize picking processes

IMPORA International’s picking secret

IMPORA International has developed an efficient picking system through years of experience and continuous optimization. By using state-of-the-art technologies and customized solutions, IMPORA can ensure maximum efficiency and accuracy. This enables smooth processing of orders and high customer satisfaction.

Challenges in warehouse picking and how to solve them

Warehouse picking faces various challenges, such as increasing order volumes, seasonal fluctuations and the need to minimize errors. By using flexible strategies and modern technologies, these challenges can be effectively overcome. Continuous adaptation and optimization of processes is crucial.

The advantages of warehouse logistics picking

Optimized warehouse logistics picking offers numerous advantages:

  • Increase in efficiency: Shorter throughput times and fewer errors lead to greater efficiency.
  • Cost reduction: Operating costs can be reduced by optimizing processes.
  • Customer satisfaction: Fast and error-free deliveries increase customer satisfaction.
  • Flexibility: Tailor-made solutions offer maximum flexibility and adaptability.

Trends and innovations in warehouse picking

Warehouse picking is constantly changing and is shaped by new trends and innovations:

  • Automation: The use of robots and automated systems will continue to increase.
  • Artificial intelligence: AI-based systems can increase efficiency through intelligent warehouse management and optimization of workflows.
  • Data analysis: By analyzing warehouse data, patterns can be identified and processes can be further optimized.

Further information worth knowing about warehouse picking

Order picking is a complex process that requires constant adjustments and optimization. There are numerous factors that need to be considered to maximize efficiency. The continuous training of employees and the use of the latest technologies are crucial.

Future prospects for order picking

The future of order picking will be heavily influenced by technological innovations. Automated systems and artificial intelligence will play an increasingly larger role and further increase efficiency. At the same time, sustainable practices and flexible solutions will become increasingly important to meet the changing needs of the market.

Best practices for successful order picking

For successful order picking, companies should follow the following best practices:

  • Regular training: Employees should receive regular training to be familiar with the latest techniques and technologies.
  • Use of Technology: The use of modern technologies such as barcode scanners and warehouse management systems can significantly improve efficiency and accuracy.
  • Optimization of the warehouse layout: A well-thought-out warehouse layout can shorten travel times and increase efficiency.
  • Continuous improvement: Processes should be regularly reviewed and optimized to achieve continuous improvements.

 Warehouse workers remove items from shelves for picking.

Cost-benefit analysis of picking

A detailed cost-benefit analysis can help companies identify the best picking strategies. Both the direct costs and the potential savings through increased efficiency and reduced errors should be taken into account. Regular review and adjustment of strategies is crucial for long-term success.

Case studies and examples of success

Case studies and success examples can provide valuable insight into successful picking strategies. By analyzing best practices and successful implementations, companies can gain valuable insights and optimize their own processes. Successful examples show how significant increases in efficiency can be achieved through the use of modern technologies and tailor-made solutions.

The role of employees in picking

Employees at a training course to improve picking processes

Employees play a central role in picking. Well-trained and motivated employees are crucial for the efficiency and accuracy of the process. Through regular training and development as well as the creation of a positive work environment, companies can maximize the performance of their employees.

The importance of quality assurance in order picking

Quality assurance is an essential part of picking. Through regular checks and checks, errors can be quickly identified and corrected. The use of quality assurance measures helps to increase customer satisfaction and minimize the number of returns.

Efficient warehouse management systems

Modern warehouse management systems are essential for efficient order picking. These systems offer numerous functions, such as inventory management, order processing and reporting, that optimize overall warehouse operations. By integrating these systems, companies can automate their processes and increase efficiency.

Sustainable picking

Sustainability is also becoming increasingly important in order picking. By using environmentally friendly packaging materials, optimizing shipping routes and implementing energy-efficient warehousing systems, companies can improve their environmental footprint. Sustainable practices not only help protect the environment, but can also reduce operating costs and improve company image.

Eco-friendly packaging materials for sustainable picking and shipping

Measures to avoid errors in picking

Employees perform quality control to ensure accuracy of picked orders

Error in picking can lead to significant costs and customer dissatisfaction. By using modern technologies, well-trained staff and regular quality controls, errors can be minimized. Techniques such as pick-by-light and pick-by-voice can also help reduce errors.

The importance of customer satisfaction in order picking

Customer satisfaction is a crucial factor for the success of a company. Through efficient and error-free picking, companies can increase customer satisfaction and improve customer loyalty. Fast delivery times and high delivery accuracy are particularly important.

Integration of supply chain management and order picking

The integration of supply chain management and order picking is crucial for efficient warehouse logistics. Through seamless integration, processes can be optimized and efficiency increased. Modern technologies and systems enable transparent and efficient management of the entire supply chain.

The role of digitalization in order picking

Digitalization is playing an increasingly important role in order picking. By using digital technologies, processes can be automated and efficiency increased. Digital solutions offer numerous benefits, such as real-time tracking, automated inventory management and improved data analysis.

Benefits of working with a professional order picking service provider

Working with a professional order picking service provider offers numerous advantages. By leveraging the expertise and resources of a service provider, companies can optimize their processes and increase efficiency. In addition, service providers offer tailor-made solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of the company.

The importance of flexibility in order picking

Flexibility is a crucial factor in picking. Flexible solutions allow companies to react quickly to changing requirements and seasonal fluctuations. Flexible strategies and technologies make it possible to maximize efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.

The role of communication in order picking

Clear and transparent communication is crucial for efficient picking. Through regular meetings and updates, everyone involved can be kept up to date and potential problems can be quickly identified and resolved. Good communication helps increase efficiency and minimize errors.

The importance of adaptability in order picking

Warehouse logistics and order picking are constantly changing and require a high level of adaptability. Companies must be able to react flexibly to changing requirements and market conditions. By regularly reviewing and adapting strategies and processes, companies can maximize their efficiency and remain competitive.

Cost savings through use of technology

The use of modern technologies in order picking can lead to significant cost savings. Automation, robotics and AI-powered systems reduce the need for manual work and minimize errors. In the long term, this can reduce operating costs and increase profitability. Investing in modern technologies pays off through increased efficiency and accuracy.

Sustainability and its role in order picking

Sustainability is playing an increasingly important role in modern warehouse logistics. By using environmentally friendly packaging materials, reducing waste and optimizing transport routes, companies can reduce their ecological footprint. Sustainable practices not only improve a company’s image, but also contribute to the long-term

Cost reduction by using resources more efficiently.

The impact of picking on supply chain transparency
Efficient picking contributes significantly to the transparency of the supply chain. By using modern warehouse management systems and real-time data analysis, companies can track the status of orders and inventory levels at any time. This transparency enables better planning, faster response times to market changes and improved customer satisfaction.

Technological innovations in order picking

Technological innovations are revolutionizing order picking. Advances in robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning offer new opportunities to increase efficiency. For example, robots can carry out complex order picking tasks faster and more precisely than human workers. AI-powered systems optimize warehouse layouts and workflows by analyzing large amounts of data and identifying patterns.

Use of digital technologies and systems to automate and increase efficiency in of picking

Long-term strategies to improve order picking

Long-term strategies are crucial for sustainably improving picking. This includes the continuous training of employees, the implementation of best practices and the regular review and adjustment of processes. Through long-term planning, companies can ensure that they remain at the cutting edge of technology and continually increase their efficiency.

The role of real-time data in order picking

Real-time data plays a crucial role in optimizing picking. By collecting and analyzing real-time data, companies can immediately respond to changes, identify bottlenecks and improve the efficiency of their processes. Real-time data enables precise control and monitoring of inventory levels, resulting in better planning and higher customer satisfaction.

Personalized picking solutions for different industries

Different industries have different picking requirements. For example, the pharmaceutical industry requires strict controls and traceability, while retail requires fast and efficient processes. By developing personalized picking solutions tailored to the specific needs of each industry, companies can maximize efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.

The integration of sustainability into picking

Sustainability is increasingly becoming an important factor in order picking. Companies that integrate sustainable practices into their processes can not only improve their environmental footprint, but also save costs. Examples of this include the use of reusable packaging materials, the optimization of transport routes and the implementation of energy-efficient storage solutions.


  1. What are the most important steps when picking in the warehouse?
    The most important steps are order acceptance, order distribution, item picking, packaging and shipping. Every step must be carried out efficiently and without errors.
  2. How can picking efficiency be improved?
    Efficiency can be improved through the use of modern technologies, optimized warehouse layouts and well-trained employees. Techniques like zoning and batch picking also help increase efficiency.
  3. What challenges are there during picking?
    Challenges include increasing order volumes, seasonal fluctuations and minimizing errors. These can be managed through flexible strategies and the use of modern technologies.
  4. How important is IT integration in order picking?
    IT integration is crucial to automate processes and increase efficiency. Modern warehouse management systems and barcode scanners are indispensable.
  5. What advantages does optimized warehouse logistics offer picking?
    Optimized order picking leads to increased efficiency, cost reductions, higher customer satisfaction and more flexibility.
  6. Which trends are shaping warehouse picking?
    Trends such as automation, artificial intelligence and data analysis are shaping the future of warehouse picking and contributing to further increases in efficiency.

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