Cost Comparison: In-House vs. Outsourcing Fulfillment for Online Shops


Fulfillment is one of the most critical components in e-commerce. It includes everything from warehousing to order processing and delivery to the end customer. For many online shops, the question arises: Should fulfillment be managed in-house or outsourced to an external provider? In this blog, we will explore the costs, advantages, and disadvantages of both approaches to help you make the best decision for your online shop.

What is In-House Fulfillment?

In-house fulfillment means that a company handles all aspects of warehousing, picking, packing, and shipping internally. This requires its own infrastructure, staff, and technology to manage the entire fulfillment process.

Advantages of In-House Fulfillment
  • Control: You have full control over all processes, from inventory management to delivery. This allows you to quickly respond to customer demands and market changes.
  • Brand Image: With in-house fulfillment, you can control the entire customer experience and strengthen your brand image through customized packaging and fast delivery.
  • Flexibility: You can tailor your processes to meet specific requirements, whether through special packaging, personalized messages, or other customer-specific services.
Disadvantages of In-House Fulfillment
  • High Fixed Costs: Purchasing and maintaining warehouses, buying packaging materials, hiring and training staff, and using technology are expensive.
  • Scalability: It can be difficult to quickly scale fulfillment capacities, especially during peak seasons like Christmas or sales events.
  • Complexity: Managing the entire fulfillment process requires extensive logistical expertise and a high level of management.

What is Outsourcing Fulfillment?

Outsourcing fulfillment means that the entire process is transferred to an external service provider. This provider handles warehousing, order processing, and shipping on behalf of the online shop.

Advantages of Outsourcing
Vorteile des Outsourcings
  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing can turn fixed costs into variable costs. You only pay for the services you use.
  • Scalability: External providers often have the capacity to flexibly scale your needs, whether during peak seasons or unexpected order spikes.
  • Focus on Core Business: By outsourcing fulfillment, you can focus more on your core business, such as marketing, product development, or customer service.
Disadvantages of Outsourcing
  • Less Control: By outsourcing, you give up some control over the fulfillment process. This can lead to issues with quality control and customer communication.
  • Dependency: You rely on the reliability and performance of the external provider. Problems with the provider can cause delays or errors in order processing.
  • Brand Integration: It may be more difficult to seamlessly integrate the brand experience, as external providers may not pay as much attention to details as internal teams do.

Cost Factors of In-House Fulfillment

Kostenfaktoren beim Outsourcing von Fulfillment

The costs of in-house fulfillment consist of several factors:

  1. Warehouse Costs
    • Rent or Purchase: The costs for renting or purchasing a warehouse can vary greatly depending on the location and size. This also includes operating costs such as electricity, water, and insurance.
    • Inventory Management: Managing the warehouse, including organization, inventory control, and security, requires ongoing investments.
  2. Staff
    • Wages and Salaries: You need to hire staff for warehousing, picking, packing, and shipping. This includes social benefits, training, and staff management.
    • Personnel Management: Time and resources for recruiting, training, and managing personnel must be factored in.
  3. Technology
    • Software: Investments in warehouse management systems (WMS) and order management software are necessary to make the process efficient.
    • Hardware: Devices such as barcode scanners, label printers, and packaging machines are necessary purchases.
  4. Packaging Materials
    • Material Costs: Boxes, padding materials, tape, and labels are ongoing expenses that vary depending on order volume.
    • Customization: If you offer personalized packaging, costs increase accordingly.
  5. Shipping Costs
    • Contracts with Shipping Providers: Shipping costs can be optimized by negotiating with providers, but they remain a significant expense.

Cost Factors of Outsourcing Fulfillment

Outsourcing costs typically consist of the following components:

  1. Storage Fees
    • Warehouse Space Rent: You pay for the warehouse space you use, either per square meter or per pallet, depending on your storage needs.
    • Inventory Management: External providers charge fees for warehousing and inventory management.
  2. Order Processing
    • Pick and Pack Fees: Each order incurs fees for picking and packing the products.
    • Shipping Fees: These can be billed either directly by the shipping provider or through the fulfillment provider.
  3. Technology Fees
    • Software Integration: Many fulfillment providers charge fees for integrating their systems with your e-commerce platform.
    • Technology Usage: You pay for access to the provider’s technologies, such as warehouse management systems or tracking tools.
  4. Additional Services
    • Return Management: Some providers also offer return processing, which can incur additional costs.
    • Customization: Additional fees may apply for personalized packaging or special requirements.

Cost Comparison: In-House vs. Outsourcing
Kostenvergleich In-House vs. Outsourcing

  1. Fixed Costs vs. Variable Costs
    • In-House Fulfillment: Fixed costs dominate in in-house fulfillment, as you need to invest in warehouses, staff, and technology. These costs remain constant regardless of order volume.
    • Outsourcing: Outsourcing converts many of these fixed costs into variable costs. You only pay for the services you actually use, which reduces risk when order volumes fluctuate.
  2. Scalability
    • In-House Fulfillment: Scaling in-house fulfillment requires significant investments in additional warehouse space, staff, and technology. This can be expensive and time-consuming, especially during growth phases.
    • Outsourcing: Scaling is much easier and more cost-efficient when outsourcing, as providers have the resources to support your business without large investments on your part.
  3. Long-Term Costs
    • In-House Fulfillment: In the long term, investments in in-house fulfillment can pay off through complete control over processes and potentially lower unit costs with high volume.
    • Outsourcing: Although the variable costs of outsourcing may increase over time, you benefit from flexibility and lower initial investments.

Which Approach is Right for Your Online Shop?

The choice between in-house and outsourcing depends on various factors:

  • Business Size: Small to medium-sized businesses often benefit more from outsourcing, as it allows them to focus on core operations and achieve scalability without bearing high fixed costs.
  • Growth Goals: If you aim for rapid growth or need to manage seasonal fluctuations, outsourcing may be the more flexible solution.
  • Brand Image: Companies that place great importance on customer experience and brand perception may prefer in-house fulfillment to maintain full control over all processes.


The decision between in-house and outsourcing fulfillment for your online shop is not an easy one. It requires careful consideration of costs, scalability, and control over the process. While in-house fulfillment offers more control and potential long-term cost savings, outsourcing excels in flexibility, lower initial investments, and the ability to focus on core operations.

Ultimately, the best solution for your business depends on your individual needs and goals. Regardless of which path you choose, it is crucial to develop a well-thought-out fulfillment strategy that meets your current needs and supports future growth.


  1. Is outsourcing fulfillment more expensive than in-house?
    Costs depend heavily on your order volume and specific needs. While outsourcing generally incurs variable costs, these can be higher than the fixed costs of in-house fulfillment at high volumes.
  2. How does the choice between in-house and outsourcing affect delivery times?
    Outsourcing providers often have a widespread network and optimized processes, enabling shorter delivery times. In-house fulfillment delivery times depend on the efficiency of your internal processes.
  3. Can I partially manage fulfillment in-house and partially outsource it?
    Yes, many companies use a hybrid solution where they handle certain products or regions internally and outsource others to combine flexibility and control.
  4. How secure are my data and products when outsourcing?
    Reputable fulfillment providers use strict security protocols to protect both your products and data. It’s important to choose a provider with high standards in these areas.
  5. How difficult is the transition from in-house to outsourcing?
    The transition can be complex, especially if you have extensive in-house processes. However, many fulfillment providers offer support with migration and integration to ensure a smooth transition.

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