

Fulfillment for
Your products

You no longer have to handle all of your goods storage or shipping processing yourself. It takes a lot of energy to constantly maintain a wide range of products and to have little capacity for a huge warehouse or the essential workers for shipping and labeling. Anyone who is clever will outsource all tasks of this kind. IMPORA International is the ideal partner for large and small orders. We can organize fulfillment tasks professionally and bring efficiency to shipping and warehousing. This effectively reduces the burden on product manufacturers because they can concentrate more on the core tasks in the production and development of goods. Fulfillment includes many areas within product labeling, storage and shipping. Some of our services will be presented here.


Storage of goods

Goods are stored carefully and in accordance with the respective storage requirements of the products. Whether products need to be stored at certain temperatures or how they should ideally be stored is agreed in the contract with the client. The goods are transported to the storage shelves using suitable storage vehicles and well-trained staff. Of course, the storage is properly documented electronically and the data is available to the client. This creates perfect control over inventory levels and incoming and outgoing goods

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Check for integrity
upon receipt in the warehouse

When our company IMPORA International accepts the goods at the warehouse or before transport, the cardboard boxes of the goods are checked for integrity. The undamaged packaging indicates the good quality of the goods. Careful inspection will prevent damage to the client. If there is any damage, you can react quickly. You can then assert claims for damages or arrange repairs.

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Label service for the goods

The fulfillment company also handles labeling tasks and applying labels to the corresponding goods. The exact labeling helps with storage and shipping. We would also be happy to recommend our business partners, whose services also include engravings, printing or the application of the company logo. We would be happy to take care of the transport or storage of these advertising materials for you.


Control of temperature or other measurement data that influence the quality of the products

Controlling temperature, humidity or air pressure may be necessary for some items. IMPORA International can carry out this service for you. To ensure that the quality of the goods does not suffer, regular checks of the environment are important.

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Digital ERP

Connection to digital ERP possible

The connection to our digital ERP is possible for the client. The system is one of the most modern and reliable ERP systems. This means that daily shipping options can be used, which are easy to process via the system. New items and orders/goods receipts can also be transferred. An automatic inventory reconciliation also takes place daily. A connection via a CSV import/export is also possible and is supported by us. A big advantage for clients is that they can track the turnover of goods in real time. This means it is always possible to say where the goods are currently located and when they will be with the customer. The end customer loves reliable day-to-day delivery because they don’t have to wait long for their packages

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Storage space for every need

At IMPORA International there is storage space for every need. Even large goods can be stored and transported there professionally. How the products should be stored must be agreed upon when placing the order. From small packages of screws to bulky goods, goods can be easily stored and rely on proper storage, correct registration and, if desired, data collection via the digital ERP. If you want a professional for warehousing, you have found exactly the right contact in our specialist company for accurate storage, labeling and reliable shipping. By having large storage areas, customers have significant advantages; for example, they can purchase large quantities of goods when there are cheap prices on the market. Storage is then no problem for the company. It benefits from the low purchasing prices and can therefore do better business

Transport can be organized via various delivery companies

Transport to the customer can be arranged from the warehouse with various transport companies. Whether you want transport with DHL, GLS, DPD or a freight forwarding company, handover to these companies is possible depending on the order. The interface can be planned via the digital ERP. The client will be able to track the movements of goods in real time. He is given a comprehensive overview of every delivery.

Ensure high customer satisfaction with a reliable logistics solution

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